code of conduct
This code of ethics is aimed at everyone associated with Bevar Ukraine, board members, volunteers, interns, employees and others who represent the organization.
For questions, information, general feedback or if you wish to file a complaint or report a suspected violation, you can send an e-mail to, thereby preserving and enhancing public and Bevar Ukraine’s workforce confidence in Bevar Ukraine.
1. Respect, Dignity and Integrity
1.1. I will respect the principles and values of Bevar Ukraine and treat all persons with whom I deal with in an official capacity fairly, with respect, courtesy and dignity, including in communication on public channels and social media.
1.2. I will show respect to all colleagues, regardless of their status and position and I will respect their privacy.
1.3. I will always seek to care for and protect the rights of children, women and any other vulnerable persons, and act in a manner that ensures that their best interests shall be the paramount consideration.
1.4. I will abide by local laws and respect local customs.
1.5. I will ensure that my professional and personal conduct does not reflect unfavourably on the integrity of Bevar Ukraine and its ability to provide assistance.
1.6. I will be mindful of and carefully consider the potential impact of my words and actions on others’ dignity and integrity, regardless of my intent.
2. Conflict of interest and transparency
2.1. I will perform my official duties and conduct my private affairs in a manner that avoids conflicts of interest and declare any such conflict of interest on
2.2. I will resist any undue political pressure in decision-making. I will neither seek nor accept instructions regarding the performance of my duties from any government, national authority, or any authority, actor or organisation external to Bevar Ukraine if such instructions are not approved by Bevar Ukraine.
2.3. I will neither give nor accept any honour, decoration, favour gift, remuneration, supplementary payments, subsidies or bribe, to / from any government or other source external to Bevar Ukraine. It is however allowed to give or accept small tokens of appreciation that are exchanged in accordance with local practice provided that it cannot compromise the integrity of Bevar Ukraine I will immediately declare such token to my line manager.
2.4. I will not engage in any outside occupation or employment, paid or unpaid, during the work schedule agreed with Bevar Ukraine without prior written authorisation from my manager. I will immediately declare all paid outside occupation or employment in writing to my manager.
2.5. I will not stand for or hold public office where this leads to an actual conflict of interest.
2.6. I will not assist private persons or companies in their undertakings with Bevar Ukraine where this might lead to actual preferential treatment.
2.7. I will never participate in activities related to procurement of goods or services, programming, contracting or in human resource activities, where I have an undeclared actual or potential conflict of interests.
2.8. As a manager, I will not solicit favours, loans or gifts from any member of Bevar Ukraine’s workforce, nor will I accept unsolicited ones that are of more than token value. I recognise and will uphold my particular responsibility to support and develop
systems which encourage transparency and prevent conflicts of interest.
3. Safety, Health and Wellbeing
3.1. I will remain aware of and comply with all instructions and policies designed by Bevar Ukraine to protect my own health, wellbeing and safety, as well as that of my colleagues and persons of concern.
3.2. I will endeavour to ensure that the safety of the workforce of Bevar Ukraine, their families, and persons of concern are not subject to undue risk(s) in programmatic and operational decisions.
3.3. I will not work under the influence of alcohol or of any unlawful drug.
3.4. As a manager, I will promote a healthy work-life balance for the members of Bevar Ukraine’s workforce.
4. Sexual exploitation and abuse, and sexual harassment
4.1. I understand that I have an obligation to report all suspicions of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and sexual harassment involving humanitarian workers to Bevar Ukraine’s Code of Conduct reporting mechanism. I further undertake to prevent, oppose and combat all forms of exploitation and abuse. I understand that sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and sexual harassment constitute acts of gross misconduct and are therefore grounds for disciplinary actions or contractual
measures, including the immediate termination of my contract with Bevar Ukraine.
4.2. I will not engage in sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and sexual harassment of any person, and I have a particular duty of care towards women, children, and other vulnerable individuals and groups.
4.3. I will not abuse the power and influence that I have by virtue of my rank, position or authority over the lives and well-being of any other person. I will therefore not have or engage in any exploitative or abusive relationship with any person, whether intimate, sexual, emotional, financial or employment related.
4.4. I will not have or engage in any intimate or sexual relationships with persons of concern benefiting from or affected by Bevar Ukraine’s assistance, programmes and activities, or with members of their immediate family.
4.5. I will neither request nor obtain any service or favour from any other person in return for protection or assistance. Exchange of money, employment, goods, or services for sex, including sexual favours or other forms of humiliating, degrading or
exploitative behaviour is prohibited.
4.6. I will not request or engage in sexual activity with children (persons under the age of 18) regardless of the age of majority or age of consent locally. This includes inciting or forcing children to take part in activities of a sexual nature. Mistaken
belief in the age of the child does not constitute a defence.
4.7. I will neither request nor engage in commercial exchange of sexual services (e.g., paying for sexual services).
4.8. I will not acquire, store or circulate documents, photos, videos, games, texts of a pornographic or paedophiliac nature on or via electronic devices put at my disposal by Bevar Ukraine.
4.9. As a manager, I recognise and will uphold my particular responsibility to support and develop systems which maintain an environment which prevents and responds to sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and sexual harassment.
5. Discrimination
5.1. I will not engage in verbal discrimination or discriminatory actions towards colleagues, team members, job applicants, persons of concern or any other person nor will I tolerate or support verbal Discrimination or discriminatory actions of
5.2. As a manager, I recognise and will uphold my particular responsibility to support and develop systems which maintain an environment which prevents all forms of discrimination.
6. Corruption and Fraud
6.1. I will not commit any corrupt or fraudulent acts.
6.2. My actions will be free of any consideration of undue gain. I will not seek to take advantage of any privilege, power or authority that have been conferred on me by Bevar Ukraine or other sources.
6.3. I will protect, manage and utilise Bevar Ukraine human, financial and material resources efficiently and effectively, bearing in mind that these resources have been placed at Bevar Ukraine’s disposal for the benefit of persons of concern.
6.4. As a manager, I recognise and will uphold my particular responsibility to support and develop systems which maintain an environment which prevents and responds to Corruption and Fraud.
7. Workplace Harassment
7.1. I will not engage in or tolerate any form of workplace harassment, abuse of authority, and retaliation.
7.2. I will not engage in sexual or intimate relationships with any member of Bevar Ukraine’s workforce under my line of supervision. Should I find myself in such a relationship, I will immediately report this in writing to my manager for appropriate guidance and decision-making. The failure to report such relationships to my manager may result in disciplinary actions or contractual measures.
7.3. As a manager, I recognise and will uphold my particular responsibility to support and develop systems which maintain an environment which prevents workplace harassment.
8. Criminal and Unethical Activities, and Human Rights
8.1. I will neither support nor take part in any form of illegal, exploitative, abusive or criminal activities, including, for example, child labour, forced marriage and trafficking of human beings, drugs and commodities.
8.2. I will never emotionally abuse or cause physical harm to children.
8.3. I will not hire or otherwise engage children for private services.
8.4. I will not hire or otherwise engage persons of concern benefiting from the assistance of Bevar Ukraine for private services without prior written notice to my manager. The failure to report such relationship to my manager may result in disciplinary actions or contractual measures.
8.5. I understand that any criminal or unethical activity committed while using or wearing any of Bevar Ukraine’s official insignia is sufficient to demonstrate the harm caused to Bevar Ukraine’s integrity and reputation.
9. Confidentiality
9.1. I will not divulge externally or share with unauthorised workforce any confidential information or sensitive information about persons of concern, colleagues, reports of suspected misconduct, internal investigations and other work-related matters that I become aware of during the course of my engagement with Bevar Ukraine irrespective of their form, format or medium.